Simulation, Ceramic


The team of Teide, with its extensive experience in the market is in the phase of proposing solutions for application in the sector of the Red ceramic. In this case a manufacturing plant of tiles that have the need to coexist two configurations of wagons.

The modular configuration is based on existing designs of wagons for factories that work with supports type “U”. These cars combine pressed pieces in support area with extruded pieces in areas where there is no load applied. Like this way, it manages to combine an optimum load capacity with a light wagon.

Technicians have developed a kiln car able to combine supports for 5Us and supports with 4Us on the same basis of wagon. This setting allows the customer to change progressively and without stopping the production of one type of kiln car to another one. The passage from 5Us to 4Us brings an energy saving not only related to the support pieces but also in reduction on the timing of loading and unloading of finished product.

Configuration 4Us

Configuration 5Us

Example Us’ kiln car

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