Teide offers a wide range of products and setup services providing solutions for any type of incinerating installation. Our technical team develops the construction of turn-key furnaces, tailor-made to meet customer’s requirements, as well as later maintenance, aiming at an optimization of the investment made. Before it is commissioned, each installation is verified in order to ensure its quality, performance and safety levels.

Incineration furnaces

Refractory products and pieces in groups according to their application

  1. Feeder area: Pyroform Tix-40
  2. Fore-furnace: Pyroform -Z Isoform 21/8 Anclajesajesajesajesajes 4DD Ladrilllosilllosilllosilllosilllos 1-9 Ladrillosllososllosllososllos T23/5 Ladrillosloslososlososlos T20/6 Pyrosil-11001000100001000100
  3. Combustion area: PlacasPlacasPlacasPlacasPlacas PI-9ÜÜ Placaslacascasascascas 1-7
  4. Zona de Post-Combustión: Ladrilllosilllosilllosilllosilllos 1-9 Ladrillosllososllosllososllos Mull-65 Ladrillosillosillosloslos T23/5 Ladrilloslosloslososlossoslos T20/6 Pyrosilsillsilillsilllsil -1100
  5. Cave area: Piezas PI-40 PyroformTix-40 Ladrillos densos Ladrillos T23/5 T20/6 y Pyrosil-1100
  6. Domes: Piezas PI-40 Cuñas Mull-65 Isoform 23/3 Pyrosil-1100
  7. Boiler Duct: Pyroform-Z PyroformTix-80/300 PyroformSic-70/G

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