Incineration- Energy, Ceramic, Steel and foundries, Cement, Glass, Decorative


The world has been dominated by a linear production and consumption model in the manufacture of products based on raw materials that are transformed, sold, used and discarded. Although major advances have been made in making a more efficient use of resources, all systems based on their use eventually incur significant losses throughout the value chain. Teide is committed to the collection of refractory by-products to close the circle.

TEIDE promotes the selective collection of its own products from the customer’s premises, bringing added value to collection through its knowledge of the precise quality and potential impurities in the customer’s production process.

In 2005 we obtained the AR/GNPA 42/2005 non-hazardous waste Management certificate.

The Circular Economy aims to respond to the challenges of modern economic and productive, as it promotes a cyclic flow for the extraction, transformation, distribution, use and recovery of materials and energy from products and services available in the market. TEIDE is in favour of the 4 R model (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Re-educate).

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