Incineration- Energy, Ceramic, Steel and foundries, Cement, Glass, Decorative
One of the main objectives of TEIDE REFRACTORY SOLUTIONS, S.L. is the constant improvement of the quality of its products. To do this, from our laboratory, several of essays and analysis are carried daily, over each produced set, over each pressed piece, over each extruded block.
Periodically, we send samples of our products to different external laboratories , to submit them to several complex trials, with no other intention as to certificate the quality of the products we offer to our customers.
Our compromise of continous quality improvement of our products has led us to obtain several certifications throughout our professional career: ISO 9002:1994
7th June 1999 Scope: Manufacture and Sale of Refractory Products. Certificate by: LGAI Technological Center.
Renovation and Performed of ISO 9002:1994 certification to: UNE-EN-ISO-9001:2000
29th July 2002 Scope: Design, Manufacture and Sale of Refractory Products. Certificate by: LGAI Technological Center.
As a result of the adequacy of the Applus + Technological Center certification a new certification is given to the company:
ISO 9001:2000
12th January 2004 Scope: Design, Manufacture, Sale of Refractory Products and Complementary. Certified by: Applus + Technological Center Certification.
**1t. Renovation ISO 9001:2000 ** 30th September 2005 Scope: Design, Manufacture, Sale of Refractory Products and Complementary. Certified by: Applus + Technological Center Certification.
2nd . Renovation ISO 9001:200 5th December 2008 Reach: Scope, Manufacture, Sale of Refractory Products and Complementary. Certified by: Applus + Technological Center Certification.
Change certifying and Adaptation to ISO 9001:2008 26th January 2012 Reach: Scope, Manufacture, Sales, Starting and Following the Refractory Products. Certified by: TÜV INTERCERT.
In 2012, once more, TEIDE REFRACTORY SOLUTIONS, S.L. favorably aproves, what the Quality Management System requires (stated in ISO 9001:2008 Norm).
The recognition of such Certification means that the company:
- Demonstrates a continous improvement in the aplication of the requirements imposed by ISO 9001:2008 Norm.
- Has a well-defined Sistem of identifiers and indicators for quality control.
- Has succesfully established quality objectives for each of its production sites.
- Has adequated facilities for the optimal development of his activity: rightly identification of all the products, positive layout of the work teams…
- Complies with all legal and regulatory requirements through the external document control and and verification of compliance of them.
- Makes a proper use of Certification Mark E.O. company documents, advertising brochures…
The summing up of all these requirements together with the continuos improvement policy in the Quality Management System that TEIDE REFRACTORY SOLUTIONS, S.L. follows have allowed that, again, TÜV INTERCERT (auditing company) has given to our Group the renewal of the Certification of its Quality Management System (certificate nº 11-Q-0601515-TIC)